Contact Information

  • 3815 Mission Ave., Suite 105
    Oceanside, California 92058
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Formula Guidelines

Parents: Protect your infant from illness, diarrhea and disease through clean formula and food preparation.

Mother Carrying the baby
Formula Prepared at Home by the Parent

  1. Always wash hands carefully before preparing food.
  2. Use hot soapy water, bottle brush and brush that go into the nipple. Wash bottle and ring at the same time. Squirt water through nipple to clean holes. Rinse well with hot water. Cap bottle when dry so it does not remain exposed to dust and germs in the air. Wash container and items for making formula.
  3. Clean top of formula container with a clean cloth wrung out in hot detergent water before opening.
  4. Fill bottles with the amount baby drinks at one feeding of formula or milk and date bottles, time of preparation, and name of infant. Refrigerate immediately.
  5. Put bottles into an insulated bag to carry to Garden Day School Preschool. Do not allow bottles to become warm in the car or by carrying in coat pocket.
  6. Be sure bottles are refrigerated as soon as you get to Garden Day School Preschool. All bottle parts must be labeled with the child’s full first and last name.
  7. Take bottles home at the end of the day. Bottles will have been rinsed, but must be washed as in #2 above.

Parents Bringing Formula Container / Infant Food to Garden Day School

  1. Only commercially prepared, unopened cans of formula or infant food may be brought.
  2. Cans must be labeled with child’s full first and last name.
  3. Garden Day School Preschool will return only unopened cans. Outdated and opened food / formula will be discarded.

Parents Bringing Breast Milk to Garden Day School

  1. Wash hands, breast, and breast pump. Express Milk.
  2. Use a clean bottle or storage bag as in “Formula Prepared at Home by the Parent.”
  3. Fresh breast milk, if kept refrigerated, may be used up to 48 hours. Milk may be frozen in the bottle / bag until ready to use at Garden Day School Preschool. Label with date, time removed from freezer, and child’s full first and last name.
  4. Bring bottles to Garden Day School Preschool in an insulated container. Frozen milk should be kept frozen for transport. Once thawed, it must be used that day or sent home with the parent.
  5. Be sure bottles / bags are refrigerated as soon as you get to Garden Day School Preschool.
  6. Take bottles home at the end of the day. Bottles will be rinsed but returned to parents for sanitation. See “Formula Prepared at Home by the Parent” (points 1 and 2).

A health consultant will review these health policies annually and changes made as needed to ensure optimal care.