Contact Information

  • 3815 Mission Ave., Suite 105
    Oceanside, California 92058
Click below for
Online Enrollment

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten

Physical Development
Group of Children Sitting with their Teacher

  1. Large motor – indoor and outdoor play including climbing, jumping, lifting, kicking, riding and creative movement.
  2. Small Motor – puppets, crafts, manipulation of toys and games.
  3. Balance – provide creative movements, obstacles and group activities that encourage balance.

Emotional Development

  1. Independence – encouraging self help, classroom planning and participation, and making choices.
  2. Self Esteem – encouraging self-expression through activities and dramatic play. Positive feedback and a supportive environment.

Social Development

  1. Interactive skills – group activities both large and small, promoting an understanding of rights and responsibilities of others, mediation, music and dance.
  2. Behavioral skills – discussion of limits and expectations through appropriate behavior in all aspects of the daily activities.

Intellectual Development

  1. Language – encouraging speech, conversations, reading books, and story telling
  2. Cognitive – use of the alphabet, problem solving, counting, colors, calendar, time, science and nature exploration, math and board games.
  3. Creative – exploration of art activities, music, dancing, dramatic play.